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  • Writer's pictureKaren Ollis, SilverFox

At the End of the Day

Whether home is on the range, out in the field, or in the office there is nothing quite like the feeling of a good's day work and it's sense of accomplishment. When the work requires physical labor there is a marked difference for many people.  Call it exhaustion but that involvement of the body in work especially when there is a passion for the tasks

brings a reality to it.  We can look back to see something concrete from our attention and intentions.

In today's intellectual world of electronics, and immediate gratification for many occupations the physical piece is missing.  We call it modernization.  Anything that makes life "easier" than how our parents lived, we feel we are moving forward. Yet Microwave meals, pharmaceuticals, and limited physical exercise may in fact short change experiences keeping us in our heads.  To offset the sedentary many people opt for the gym, run, or do an outdoor sporting activity.  For those, getting out of their heads and into their bodies provides grounding and mental health benefits.  

While we strive to create new and better ways of living its important to keep some tried and true elements of days gone by because it not only helps achieve balance, it reminds of us values.  History, is important.  Touchstones to reality that aren't virtual are markers as well to progress.  Let's not devalue those that labor or hand craft for they are no less than and certainly provide very real contributions.  Here's a hard days work and all that is built with human hands and hearts.

about the author: Karen Ollis is an experienced photographer specializing in studio portraiture, and environmental on-location portraits for editorial stories, PR and marketing testimonials. instagram @ollisphoto

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